Sunday, October 26, 2008

Why under these stars.....

... Why under these stars is it so easy to let go and just believe?
Why do you become so murky the moment I enter my house?
Why are you so hard to hear the second I enter my work place?
When trouble raises it's voice; why do I pretend that I barely know you?
Yet under that celestial canvas of yours it's so much easier to remember who you are and who I am?
Why is it so easy to believe that you created me and found a way to save me.
Yet when it comes to my problems, worries, and fears I find a way to forget who you are?
When you tell me your yoke is light and your burden is easy I seem to prefer the weight of my own burden as sweat beads drip off my face.
It doesn't make sense.
But under your stars it all makes sense.
If I weren't renting I'd consider a homemade skylight in my house to fix this problem.


Unknown said...

Jayar, this was awesome, how true is all you said. When we look up at the stars, God is so easy to see yet when trouble comes our way, God seems far away. Yet, he has already walked the road for us and is just waiting for us to ask our Father to carry us, like we carry our little children when they are troubled or sad or tired. Thanks Jayar. Kathy Scott

gail said...

Jayar,as I read your blog I am reminded of one of my favorite passages in Scripture. Psalms 8:3, 4 says, "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?

At home I look up at the sky at night and am awed by Him and His creation-by who He is and what He has done (as Casting Crowns song says). I can so easily find myself in His presence. But when I get busy with the stuff of the world, it's not Him that moves, it is me. Self gets in the way. I often have to deliberately stop myself and be quiet to hear the Lord speak to me, and sometimes, even carry me through.

Louann said...

How huge God is and how small we are. Thanks Jayar for putting things into perspective for me, you've made my day. The most important thing to do is to keep our focus on Him as it is so easy to lose it in our day to day lives.